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Version: 0.6.x

CLI: document:* commands

The group of CLI document:* commands enables the creation and interactions with Documents

Command List


composedb document:create

Create a document with given content

You can use this command to test how document creation works, but in your live app you will use ComposeDB GraphQL Mutations instead.

$ composedb document:create MODELSTREAMID CONTENT

MODELSTREAMID streamID of the model whose instance is being created
CONTENT contents of the model instance encoded as JSON

-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
-k, --did-private-key DID Private Key (you can generate a fresh private key using composedb did:generate-private-key)

composedb document:replace

Replace content in a document with a given streamID

You can use this command to test how document updates work, but in your live app you will use ComposeDB GraphQL Mutations.

$ composedb document:replace STREAMID CONTENT

STREAMID streamID of the model instance whose content is being replaced
CONTENT new contents of the model instance encoded as JSON

-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
-k, --did-private-key DID Private Key (you can generate a fresh private key using composedb did:generate-private-key)

composedb document:content

Load and display the contents of a document with a given ID

You can use this command to manually check the contents of a given document, but in your DApp you will use ComposeDB GraphQL Queries.

$ composedb document:content STREAMID

STREAMID ID of the stream

-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
-o, --output Path to a file where the content should be saved