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Version: 0.8.x

CLI: composite:* commands

The group of CLI composite:* commands enables the creation and interactions with Composites

Command List


composedb composite:from-model

Create an encoded composite definition from a list of already existing model stream ids (usually found within Model Catalog

You can find a detailed guide on using an existing model to create your composite here

$ composedb composite:from-model PATH MODELS

PATH a path to an encoded composite definition file
MODELS a list of models (identified by names of stream IDs) to extract from the given composite

-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
-o, --output a path to file where the resulting encoded composite definition should be saved

composedb composite:create

Create an encoded composite definition from GraphQL Composite Schema

You can find a detailed guide on the creation of Composites here

$ composedb composite:create INPUT

INPUT a path to file containing valid ceramic composite definition in GraphQL Schema Definition Language

-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
-k, --did-private-key DID Private Key (you can generate a fresh private key using composedb did:generate-private-key)
-o, --output a path to file where the resulting encoded composite definition should be saved

composedb composite:models

Display the list of models included in a composite

$ composedb composite:models PATH

PATH a path to a file containing a composite's encoded definition

--id-only display only the stream IDs of models included in the composite (exclusive to --table)
--table display the models in a table (excusive to --id-only)

composedb composite:extract-model

Create an encoded composite definition from another one by extracting given models

$ composedb composite:extract-model PATH MODELS

PATH a path to encoded representation of a composite
MODELS one or more models to use when extracting a new composite, identified by name or stream ID

-o, --output a path to file where the resulting encoded composite definition should be saved

composedb composite:merge

Create an encoded composite definition by merging other composites

$ composedb composite:merge PATHS

PATHS a list of paths to files containing encoded composites, separated by spaces

-e, --common-embeds 'all','none' or a list of comma-separated embeds to extract from input composites into the output composite
-o, --output a path to file where the resulting encoded composite definition should be saved

composedb composite:deploy

Deploy models included in the composite on connected ceramic node

You will need to use this command to make sure that your DApp's Composite is available on the Ceramic Node that yor DApp connects to. You can find a detailed guide on Composites' deployment here

$ composedb composite:deploy PATH

PATH a path to a file containing a composite's encoded definition

-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL

composedb composite:compile

Creates a runtime definition of the composite and saves it in given path(s).

You will need the runtime definition to configure your ComposeDB.

$ composedb composite:compile PATH OUTPUTPATHS

PATH a path to a file containing a composite's encoded definition
OUTPUTPATHS one or more paths to save runtime representation in. Supported extensions: .json, .js and .ts