CLI: model:* commands
The group of CLI model:*
commands enables discovery of Models, as well as their creation and interactions with them
Command List
composedb model:list
composedb model:content STREAMID
composedb model:controller STREAMID
composedb model:create CONTENT
composedb model:list
Display a paginated list of models indexed on the connected ceramic node, which needs to be indexing model streams.
This currently is the main entry path to Composites Discovery
$ composedb model:list
--table display results as a table rather than as formatted JSON
-i, --indexer-url URL of a Ceramic API that indexes model streams.
composedb model:content
Load the contents of a model stream with a given ID.
You should use this command to check if an existing model found through Composites Discovery has the fields you need.
$ composedb model:content STREAMID
STREAMID ID of the stream
-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
-o, --output Path to a file where the content should be saved
composedb model:controller
Load the model stream with a given ID and display its controller DID (identifier for the Ceramic Account that owns the model)
$ composedb model:controller STREAMID
STREAMID ID of the stream
-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
composedb model:create
Create a model stream with given content.
Most of the time you shouldn't be using this command directly. Instead, you should first check if a model you need already exists, using Composites Discovery and only if you can't find a model that you need, you should create one indirectly by creating a Composite from a GraphQL Composite Schema.
$ composedb model:create CONTENT
CONTENT contents of the model encoded as JSON
-c, --ceramic-url Ceramic API URL
-k, --did-private-key DID Private Key (you can generate a fresh private key using composedb did:generate-private-key)