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Version: 0.5.x

Supported directives

Directives provide extra metadata when declaring scalars, lists and shapes.

Model identification


The @createModel directive applies to shapes, indicating the shape needs to be created as a Model. A Composite must contain at least one Model to be valid, otherwise there would be nothing to interact with.

When using the @createModel directive, two parameters must be provided:

  • accountRelation: the type of relation between documents created using the Model and the account controlling the document, which can be SINGLE for a single document of the given Model (for example profile information), or LIST for a potentially infinite list of documents.
  • description: a string describing the Model, to help with discovery.


type Post @createModel(accountRelation: LIST, description: "A simple text post") {
author: DID! @documentAccount
title: String! @string(minLength: 10, maxLength: 100)
text: String! @string(maxLength: 500)


The @loadModel directive can be used to identify pre-existing models and use them in a schema, by providing the model stream ID with the id argument of the directive.


When loading models, it is not possible to add extra content fields, but it is possible to add extra views.

The GraphQL parser used by schemas does not allow empty types to be created. If needed, an id: ID field can be added, as shown in the examples below.

# ❌ the following declaration will NOT work:
type MyModel @loadModel(id: "<existing model stream ID>") {}

# ✅ the following declaration will work:
type MyModel @loadModel(id: "<existing model stream ID>") {
id: ID

# ✅ the following declaration will also work:
type MyModel @loadModel(id: "<existing model stream ID>") {
owner: DID! @documentAccount



The indexing directive can only be set on types defined as model, identified using the @createModel or @loadModel directive.


The @createIndex directive ensures content fields in a model are indexed in the underlying database and can be used for filtering and ordering.


type Post
@createModel(accountRelation: LIST, description: "A simple text post")
@createIndex(fields: [{ path: ["title"] }]) {
author: DID! @documentAccount
title: String! @string(minLength: 10, maxLength: 100)
publishedAt: DateTime
text: String! @string(maxLength: 500)

The @createIndex directive can be used multiple times:

type Post
@createModel(accountRelation: LIST, description: "A simple text post")
@createIndex(fields: [{ path: ["title"] }])
@createIndex(fields: [{ path: ["publishedAt"] }]) {
author: DID! @documentAccount
title: String! @string(minLength: 10, maxLength: 100)
publishedAt: DateTime
text: String! @string(maxLength: 500)

Type validation

The following directives provide validation information on primitive scalars and lists:


Defines the optional max: Int and min: Int value for Int scalars.


Defines the optional max: Float and min: Float value for Float scalars.


Defines the required maxLength: Int and optional minLength: Int value for String scalars and scalars extending String.


Defines the required maxLength: Int and optional minLength: Int numbers of items in a list.


Relations support can be added on individual fields by specifying the type of reference the field can contain, using the following directives:


Relation directives can only be set on fields directly defined on a model, identified using the @createModel or @loadModel directive.


Defines a relation to an account, using a DID scalar, making it accessible from the CeramicAccount object.

Example: recipient: DID! @accountReference.


Defines a relation to a document, using a StreamID scalar and a model argument containing the name of a model added in the schema using the @loadModel directive.


type Post @loadModel(id: "<Post model stream ID>") {
id: ID!

type Comment @createModel(accountRelation: LIST, description: "A comment on a Post") {
postID: StreamID! @documentReference(model: "Post")
text: String! @string(maxLength: 500)


View directives represent read-only fields that are not stored in the contents of the stream, but in its metadata or used to access relations.


View directives can only be set on fields directly defined on a model, identified using the @createModel or @loadModel directive.

Document metadata views


Defines a field as being a view to the account controlling the document, using the DID scalar type.

Example: author: DID! @documentAccount.


Defines a field as being a view to the current version of the document, using the CommitID scalar type.

Example: version: CommitID! @documentVersion.

Relation views


Defines a field representing another document in the graph, that have its stream ID stored in another field of the current document, using a model identified by the model argument of the directive.

Example where post fields allows to access the post document the comment is made on, based on the postID value stored in the comment document:

type Post @loadModel(id: "<Post model stream ID>") {
id: ID!

type Comment @createModel(accountRelation: LIST, description: "A comment on a Post") {
postID: StreamID! @documentReference(model: "Post")
post: Post! @relationDocument(property: "postID")
text: String! @string(maxLength: 500)


Defines a field representing an inverse relation of documents pointing to the current document for a given model and property identified by the arguments of the directive.

Example where a comments view is added to an existing Post model, using the Comment model described in the @relationDocument directive example:

type Comment @loadModel(id: "<Comment model stream ID>") {
id: ID!

type Post @loadModel(id: "<Post model stream ID>") {
comments: [Comment] @relationFrom(model: "Comment", property: "postID")


Defines a field representing the number of documents pointing to the current document for a given model and property identified by the arguments of the directive.

Example where a commentsCount view is added to an existing Post model, using the Comment model described in the @relationDocument directive example:

type Comment @loadModel(id: "<Comment model stream ID>") {
id: ID!

type Post @loadModel(id: "<Post model stream ID>") {
commentsCount: Int! @relationCountFrom(model: "Comment", property: "postID")